Interaction with the larger community is an integral component of the education process at New Bedford High School. Many programs enrich the students’ educational experience which can be achieved through college and career readiness opportunities such as internships. Internships provide a meaningful worksite experience that give students a broader understanding of a particular career. It helps them see the connection of their academic work to the world of work, provides hands-on experience in their field of interest and helps them make more informed decisions as they contemplate their career choice and college studies.
Our school partners with the Greater New Bedford Connecting Activities staff to organize and facilitate internship opportunities. Connecting Activities staff recruits employers; prepares and places senior students in brokered work-based learning opportunities; and structures those experiences through the use of the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan.
Through CA, students achieve more learning hours by extending the classroom to the workplace while providing more adults who can support them in one-to-one relationships. For a more in-depth review of Connecting Activities, please visit